What is this website?

KCN stands for Kaldei's Cybersecurity Notes. It is a website where I host my notes about Cybersecurity and stuff. They are in "Cheat Sheet" format and allow me to quickly recall and reuse tools I've encountered. Could be useful to someone, so I share them :D

Disclaimer! My notes are more or less updated, and most likely contain mistakes or things that might not work. If you find something broken feel free to reach me.

How is this site made?



Obsidian is the tool I use to write my notes (in Markdown). Obsidian allows me, thanks to its embedded notes function, to cut my notes into small pieces that I then integrate into several notes.

Obsidian Export

Obsidian Export allows me to export my Obsidian Markdown notes into CommonMark format. This is a mandatory step because Hugo does not completely support Obsidian Markdown syntax.


Hugo is a static website generator. It allows me to generate a website directly from my notes (after converting them with Obsidian Export).

PaperMod Theme

PaperMod is the Hugo theme I use for my website. This theme manages the aesthetic part of the content (central part of the website) as well as the navbar and the theme management (light and dark).


Axentix is an awesome frontend framework made by a friend of mine (by the way, thank you Stallos for the help). I used Axentix to add the sidenav to the left and the amazing scrollspy to the right <3.

GitHub Pages

Github Pages is the place where the website is hosted. I set up a GitHub Action on my repository which builds (with Hugo) and then deploys the website as soon as there is a new commit.