A really fast password cracker.
A really fast password cracker.
A Windows reverse shell payload generator and handler that abuses http(s) to establish reverse shell.
A very fast and flexible login cracker.
A powerful debugger to write exploits, analyze malware, and reverse engineer binary files.
A collection of Python classes for working with network protocols.
An advanced offline password cracker.
A toolkit for testing, tweaking and cracking JSON Web Tokens.
A simple HS256 JWT token brute force cracker.
A tool to perform Kerberos pre-auth bruteforcing
A simple IOC and YARA Scanner.
An Internet-scale port scanner.
A penetration testing framework.
A Metasploit attack payload that provides an interactive shell.
A tool to play with Windows security, written in C.
A python script to automate and speed up specific searches on Immunity Debugger and WinDBG.