r2 myFileOpen myFile in Radare2.
aaaAnalyze and autoname functions.
aflPrint all functions autodetected.
pdf @mainPrint disassembly of main.
pdfPrint disassembly of the current function.
s myFunctionChange location.
Memory Content
px @rbp-0xcPrint content of the variable at rbp-0xc.
drPrint registers.
dr rip=addressSet the instruction that we want to execute next.
Move in Program Execution
oodRun (& re-run) the program.
dcRun the program until it hits the breakpoint.
dsStep to the next instruction.
db addressPlace a breakpoint.
Visual Mode
V!Enter fancy mode.
VVEnter visual mode (with blocks).
PChange display mode.
TABChange selected box.
:dcRun program.
SStep instructions.
SHIFT + SStep further.