Folder Fuzz

wfuzz -c -z file,myWordList http://[TARGET_IP]:[TARGET_PORT]/FUZZ
Fuzz Folders.

GET Fuzz

wfuzz -c -z file,myWordList http://[TARGET_IP]:[TARGET_PORT]/api/file?parameter=FUZZ
Fuzz GET Parameter (ex: API).

POST Login Brute Force

wfuzz -c -z file,myWordList -u http://[TARGET_IP]:[TARGET_PORT]/login.php -d “username=FUZZ&password=FUZZ
Fuzz POST Login.


Word File to replace FUZZ in the request. For example -z file,big.txt.

Specifies POST parameters.

Timing for requests.

Shows the output in color.

Don't show certain http response codes.

Don't show a certain amount of lines in the response.

Don't show a certain amount of words.